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Reversing Beeching rail cuts will spark recovery of forgotten towns

Secretary of State for Transport, Grant Shapps: 23 January 2021. Levelling up the North of England doesn’t just mean investing in major cities. It’s crucial that we also reinvigorate towns and communities which have been left behind, so they can share the benefits of economic recovery after COVID. That is why today I’m announcing £34 […]

Focus on Northern Powerhouse remains top priority for 2021

  Secretary of State for Transport, Grant Shapps: 7 January 2021. The North made its voice heard in 2016 when it voted strongly in favour of leaving the European Union. Now, after four years of negotiation, it is being rewarded with two great prizes secured by the Prime Minister: full national sovereignty and the biggest-ever […]

Business activity key to revitalising the north in 2021

  Secretary of State for Transport Grant Shapps: 14 December 2020. For the thousands of families who have lost loved ones to the Coronavirus, nothing will turn the clock back. But as we roll out our vaccination programme and get a grip on the spread of COVID next year, we will focus our efforts on […]

A green industrial revolution for the north

Secretary of State for Transport Grant Shapps: 1 December 2020. The inspiration for the Northern Powerhouse, when the name was first coined in 2014, was to create a new industrial revolution in the north, addressing the prosperity divide across the UK, generating millions of jobs in modern industries, and allowing the North of England to […]

Northern Powerhouse is at the heart of pandemic fightback

  Secretary of State for Transport Grant Shapps: 17 November 2020 In my last blog, I wrote that these were undoubtedly dark times, but also of my absolute belief that we must be unrelenting in continuing to level up, build back better and secure a brighter and more prosperous future. In the past week, the […]